We all grew up with the notion, “you are what you eat”. But there is a much less known axiom relating to this which is, “You are what you Breathe”. The ‘we are what we eat’ saying, is true and proven, and the” you are what you breathe” is, well, I just made it up. On a serious note, it has only been in the past 25 years that toxins and indoor air quality has become ‘widely’ known, studied, and verified. VOCs and MVOC’s (microbial volatile organic compounds) are now a common language in the indoor air conversation and the quest for healthy homes and workplaces.
VOCs that trigger reactions with people include latex, paints, paint strippers, wood preservatives, dry-cleaned clothing, moth repellants, air fresheners, cleaners and disinfectants, and aerosol sprays. Along with VOC’s which are obviously plentiful, there are MVOC’s of Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds. This quite simply is a home or workplace with elevated “Mold load”. This includes mold growth, mold spores, dormant mold, and mycotoxins. The ever-changing yet consistent load of VOCs and MVOC’s, in every home and workplace, often creates a toxic mess, which is oftentimes not realized until someone becomes sick.