Mold is a fungus that occurs naturally within an ecosystem. Mold, mildew, yeast, and other fungi serve a variety of purposes in nature. These include decomposition of raw materials, natural pesticide for plants, and some molds have been found to create powerful antibiotics in the medical community. Mold can serve a great purpose when found in an outdoor environment but it can also cause serious health issues when found in indoor settings.
Within an ecosystem, plants and animals make their way through a natural life cycle of conception, growth, and death. Without mold these dead organic materials would pile up and cover the earth. Mold naturally begins to feed on these materials and increases the decomposition process. The role that mold plays within an ecosystem is vital.
Mold also serves agricultural purposes and develops naturally on plants. Throughout history mold growing on plants has served as a natural pesticide to fight off bugs and virus. The same organic materials and moisture that help plants to grow also provides great conditions for the production of mold and fungus. When mold grows it gives off a trace poison called mycotoxins that helps fight disease on plants.